Merton Estates Regeneration
Image: PRP Architects PLP
Merton Estates Regeneration
Jam Services
Equalities Impact Assessment
Clarion Housing Group/ London Borough of Merton
Savills/ Stantec/ Levitt Bernstein/ PRP Architects
Jam prepared Equalities Impact Assessments for one of the largest regeneration projects in the UK, the regeneration of 3 estates in the London Borough of Merton:
High Path
The statements were prepared both in support of the London Borough of Merton Estates Local Plan and the Compulsory Purchase Orders required for the redevelopment of the estates, providing 2,800 new homes.
Care was needed in the sensitive negotiations regarding the reprovision of people’s homes and the different needs of the community, particularly those with protected characteristics. An overarching EqIA report for the programme as a whole was prepared to identify the strategic issues common across the estates, as well as the specific issues for individual estates to aid the equality analysis within each site.
Separate detailed EqIA reports relating to the specific proposals of each Estate were also prepared to support each of the Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs), in accordance with the Equalities Regulations.